Sunday, July 17, 2016

Solve Mirror and Water Images

Short Tricks to Solve Mirror and Water Images  Questions in Reasoning

Mirror Images Short Tricks

The figure obtained by putting a mirror in front of the real image is known as mirror image or we can say that the reflection of an object into the mirror is called its mirror image.

Let us consider an example

From the above figure, it is clear that in a mirror image top and bottom of an image does not change but LHS(Left Hand side) of a real image becomes RHS(Right Hand Side) in mirror image and RHS is real image become LHS in mirror image. So, it can be concluded that the mirror image is the lateral inversion of real image.
Now, look at the following figures:

Take a mirror and place it along the vertical dotted line running through the middle of this shape. You will see that the half figure on the left together with its image in the mirror on the right gives the complete figure of the heart.

So, we can say that on combining the original and mirror image together, they form a symmetry.

Mirror Images of Capital Letters

Mirror Images of Small Letters

Mirror Images of Numbers

How to solve Water image questions

Water Images in non verbal reasoning is same as Mirror Images method. basically Water image is just a reflection where top and bottom part of the images changed where left and right side of image remain same. In Mirror image left side and right side changed vice-versa where top and bottom remain same. See below example to understand in brief.

see little DOG running on water where his legs reflecting first and head reflecting last both right side and left side remains unchanged.

 Water image tricks examples Alphabetical 

Seven Alphabets are same in water image non verbal reasoning, C, D, E, H, I, O, and X. where H, I, O, N, and X same in mirror image reflection trick on non verbal.

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